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tv   NBC Bay Area News at 6  NBC  August 26, 2013 6:00pm-7:01pm PDT

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chicago. the rim fire, just 15% contained. although that's better than what it was yesterday when it was just 7%. putting more than 3,000 firefighters on the front line. jodi hernandez is live with the latest details for us. >> reporter: jessica, firefighters tell me this has been a relatively good day. the rim fire, as you mentioned, is now 15% contained. and though thousands and thousands of acres of wild land have burned, things finally seem to be moving in the right direction. firefighters are pouring all they have on the rim fire. now in its second week, the fire's torched 150,000 acres, destroyed more than 20 structure, including 11 homes. 4500 houses remained threatened. >> i could see from my house, and just hard being able to get your stuff together, what to pack, whatnot to pack.
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what's valuable, what's not. >> reporter: residents and business openers in tuolumne are the latest on edge as the fire creeps its way toward the usually sleepy town. but they say the amount of help coming in is comforting. >> there's like a fire truck for every house. that's a good thought to go to sleep with at night, you know. >> our number one thought out there is firefighter safety and the safety of the community. >> reporter: this strike team is among the 3700 firefighters on the front line. their task, to protect homes in the tuolumne city area. it's moved toward the hetch hetchy reservoir. they acknowledge, san francisco has a lot at stake. >> the watershed and the hetch hetchy and the power supply is a concern to the city. and how it affects the whole area with power and water. >> reporter: another blow to the bay area, the loss of the
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berkley tuolumne camp, a camp that's been owned and operated since 1922. firefighters hope they can keep other well-known areas from meeting a similar fate. >> right now our focus is life and property. anywhere there's structure, yosemite, a natural treasure. that's where we're putting them just below this fire. >> reporter: now know the fire has burned several thousand acres inside yosemite national park, we're told it hasn't come close to the area where visitors frequent. it also has not come close to the treasured sequoia trees, but park rangers are not taking any chances. they're installing sprinklers around those trees to protect them. 3700 firefighters are out on the fire line, including many, many from the bay area. we saw crews today from san francisco, san jose, sunnyvale and palo alto.
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reporting live in tuolumne county, jodi hernandez, nbc bay area news. a well-known bay area camp near this fire got good news. caretakers at the jewish summer camp were able to save a historic torah. it was a treasured item at the camp used for daily prayers. as the fire grew closer, the torah was saved. >> one of our caretakers who lives up there full time took this, i think last wednesday, when they evacuated and got out of there. >> the camp did lose one small building in this fire thus far. our water is at stake from san francisco to san jose and hayworth. more than 2 million of us depend on the hetch hetchy reservoir. san francisco water authorities are moving quickly to fill area relser vors with water from a source in the sierra nevada in case hetch hetchy does become
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contaminated by ash. so far the falling ash has not sunk far enough into the lake to reach the intake pump. the city says they will be ready with a six-month supply of water on hand as a backup. let's get to the conditions. we've been talking about the winds that are shifting. are we going to get a break? earlier in the day we did see a brief break. right now we're seeing the winds picking up out of the southwest which has promoted the fire to make a run off the south and east. here's some interesting aerial views of the fire from just momenting ago. and you can see the towering plumes sticking out above the smoke that continues to move off to the north and east. some of those plumes can generate their own weather. and on the radar view, you'll see that you can see that showing up there. that is also showing you the movement of the debris or the tiny smoke particles dropping down perhaps into the hetch
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hetchy reservoir. but those winds out higher up very dry conditions. as you take a look at today's expansion, you have to look at the areas in purple on the low are right. hetch hetchy sits right to the north of that, so the winds continue to push smoke and particulate matter down towards the reservoir. we're looking at flash flood watches going up from the fire line south through the southern sierra during the day tomorrow through 9:00 tomorrow night. notice it's not a red flag warning. flash flood watches means these thunderstorms could bring mud slides or enough to wet some of those higher peaks near the fire lines. it's possible that could help things along the fire lines along this time tomorrow. thanks, rob. now bay area campers are mourning the loss of their beloved camp. families are going to be sharing memories of camp tuolumne.
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the line has been drawn. this could be one of the largest strikes in history. more than 9,000 county employees are ready to walk the picket line over a dispute. a strike could begin as early as next week. and how will this impact a lot of people? >> reporter: in big ways. the 9,000 county workers will vote on wednesday and thursday whether to accept the county's best and final offer. that does not look promising, so expect some county services to stop as soon as that strike is called. muriel frederick is taking a break from her duties in the county clerk's office. that's where she makes sure the board of supervisors has all the agendas and materials it needs to run its meetings. tonight she's issuing a warning. >> there will be no board meeting, unless the board want does have them all by themselves. >> reporter: frederick is one of 9,000 workers ready to go on a
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three day strike as early as next week. >> we're all ready to walk. and we have a lot of other unions ready to walk with us. >> reporter: a strike could cripple emergency dispatchers to workers at the marriage license counter. all are ready to walk for the first time in almost four decades. the county's coo is not downplaying the impact. gary graves and his staff are working with the public relations board and the courts to see which workers are deemed essential and force them to work through the strike. >> we're certainly working on contingency plans. as i said, there hasn't been a strike in many, many years. and so it's very difficult to really know what to expect. >> reporter: word is even deputy das are worried whether they'll have court reporters and clerks to cover court proceeds. other unions vowed not to cross the picket line.
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seiu says they will keep an eye on those who don't honor the strike, including the county supervisors. >> we watch everybody. we're going to be watching everybody. we're not going to forget who crosses. >> reporter: local 521 has already authorized the strike. so we could conceivably see the workers walk the picket line beginning on friday. but all indications are they will wait until after the holliday. live in san jose, nbc bay area news. just into our newsroom tonight, surveillance pictures that police would like you to see. they're hoping you'll recognize the people or the car seen here. these images were taken just before that break in at tiffanys earlier this month. they show six people meeting in a parking lot where police say they took off the license plates from a white, chevy trail blazer which was then later used at the get away car. before the store opened, thieves crashed the stolen truck right through the entrance and began trying to break into the jewelry
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cases. anyone with information on the car or the people is asked to call walnut creek. a new scam is snaking its way around the bay area. tonight fremont police are warning residents to be on the alert when someone knocks on your door. on saturday somebody went into two different neighborhoods posing as the city animal services officer looking for poisonous snakes. >> this time, they told the homeowner that a poisonous snake had bit a five year old girl down the street and that they were searching for the snake. >> the con, while the 7 year old victim was in the back yard with an imfoster, an accomplice came into the home and stole her cash and jewelry. a similar unsuccessful scam was reported in the niles area of fremont. they say official workers drive official city vehicles. a similar snake scam was
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reported last week. a city leader has been killed. ten years ago, cindy and her family were selected as family of the year by the hispanic association. she did pro bono work for low income immigrant. she was also an aide to a congressman. the stanford grad did more to advance the cause of justice than many people she knew. a catholic mass for thanksgiving in her honor will take place at 7:00 tonight in san jose. she was 42. she leaves behind a husband and two children. still ahead here at 6:00. tomorrow san jose could become the largest city in the country to ban styrofoam food containers, but does it make sense? sam brock in our reality check is next. and i'm kris sanchez in san jose with a daytime homicide so violent it's driving one witness to speak out. also millions of dollars in the red and behind schedule. new details about the potential
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hold up for san francisco's newest sports venue. and so far, it's been a fairly cool start to the week. 70s and low 80s inland, but by this time tomorrow, we could see 90s back to the forecast. we'll talk more about a warmup on the way when we come right back. unbelievable.
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shhhhh! in our day, we didn't have u-verse high speed internet. yeah, our babysitter didn't have a million ways to serve mom up on a silver platter. we had to count sheep to fall asleep. and i always worried that i was creating an overcrowded sheep farm. in my head... never looked like that farmer took proper care of those sheep. too much? a little. [ male announcer ] connect all your wi-fi-enabled devices with u-verse high speed internet.
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rethink possible. the search for a killer continues in san jose where a 23 year old father was shot to death in the parking lot of a restaurant. it was all caught on surveillance video. it happened in downtown san jose near third and julian streets. and we bring in kris sanchez with the latest. >> reporter: well as soon as police were on scene of that homicide within 4 minutes and 40 seconds. that was enough time for that shooter to get away. and for a witness to feel hike he was scarred forever.
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>> middle of of the day, calm, cars going by, kids walking by. just all of a sudden. it was ridiculous. >> reporter: a man who witnessed the shooting death of 22 year old ramon gar see as says it is something he will never forget. it is his surveillance video that shows garcia riding into a parking lot, pursued by another man who would become his executioner. what we won't show you are the moments as he's shot. >> probably the most coldest thing i've ever seen. i seen a young man shoot another young man to death for apparently no reason. and, you know, i don't think i'll ever get that out of my head. >> reporter: this witness says he saw the gunman shoot the victim at least three times. and though he and hess friend tried to help there was not much they could do. police have not revealed a suspect description or motive. on sunday, a woman who said she
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was garcia's aunt said her nephew didn't deserve what he got. >> he was a good guy, six kids, really young. he didn't deserve it. we love him, though. >> reporter: garcia is san jose's 33rd homicide victim of this year. the witness hopes that by talking to police and handing over his surveillance video, he can do his part to make his city safer. >> i'm hoping the guy gets caught, gets arrested and gets what he deserves, legally. >> reporter: now san jose police are still investigating, they're also interviewing witnesses. and they're hoping that that surveillance video might be the key to tracking down the killer. that is also on our be with site, nbc bay in san jose, kris sanchez, nbc bay area news. staying in san jose, city council meetings rarely described as having a buzz. they will consider a ban on styrofoam food containers.
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if it passes, they will be the largest city in the country with that ban. in tonight's reality check, we look at the arguments to make the case. >> it's known as poll styrene. styrofoam has been a cheap way to keep food warm. opponents say it's not that easy to replace because the other options are more expensive. and styrofoam they say is 100% recyclable. these statements can't all be true, so which ones are? in the food industry, it's always been standard to keep that sizzle shut tight in styrofoam, but san jose lawmakers may very well change standard operating procedure. >> san jose will be one of the first large cities to implement such a ban. it's our hope that we would start a regional movement.
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>> reporter: san francisco has already banned polystyrene. but other cities recycle theres. 67 communities in california have been successful in recycling foam, including food service containers. and san jose should be among them. locally, restaurants like this hot dog haven, polly's famous, agree. >> they're able to recycle it 100%. i don't think there's any bad effect on the environment at all. it is recyclable. >> reporter: here's the check. is polystyrene is 100% recyclable, true? >> no. if it's contaminated with food, the polystyrene absorbs the fats and greases from the food in the container, rendering it non-recyclable. >> reporter: this is an expert at san jose state who shoots down the claim all polystyrene
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is recyclable. he says the contaminated stuff ends up in landfills like this where it festers. but he say it is may be more expensive to replace styrofoam with other materials. >> it would be more expensive. at this point, there's no cheaper alternative than styrofoam. >> reporter: no cheaper alternative. >> not right now there isn't. it would be double or triple the price. >> i would believe that packaging probably would cost slightly more, but i think the benefits will outweigh that. >> reporter: and he talks about the benefits. he says the benefits of a ban are also economic in the long run, because styrofoam containers are made up of small pieces that can bre,ñ apart. and when they do in the recycling trucks they can contaminate more materials. so to recap, the claim styrofoam
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is 100% recyclable is false. tomorrow at 1:30, the city council decides the ban's fate. they might be staying in oakland a little bit longer. the warriors plan to build a new stadium may have hit a roadblock. the repair costs have increased by as much as $50 million. the proposed arena is supposed to be built on piers 30 and 32. months of long delays could cause the team to miss its targeted opening. they want to move there for the 2017 season. representatives for the warriors are denying these reports. let's check in with rob for the next couple days. even though it's supposed to be summer it feels a little bit like fall. >> high temperatures today only 84 degrees in livermore. that's going to be changing in the next 24 hours. temperatures in the 70s in san
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jose. 65 in san francisco and 72 in oakland. now it's very interesting that we've got nothing but sunshine. you need the sun glasses for your golden gate bridge drive this evening. but the temperature is still cool. and mostly sunny skies in san jose. the low clouds offshore starting to break up a little bit. you can see from our temperatures right now, these reflect the sea breeze quite strong. mid-80s at the warmest out towards fairfield as the winds come out of the west at 18. these should back off about 15%. that's going to allow our temperatures to warm up to more typical summer like levels the next couple days. rain continues to fire up in the pacific northwest. and some tropical moisture coming up out of southern california should stay to the east of the bay area. during the day tomorrow these plumes of moisture staying away
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from us as high pressure nudges in across the central coast. one of the things you'll notice here is you should not see as much cloud cover inland as we get to the start of the day tomorrow. so temperatures will still be in the 50s to near 60s. but the temperature change we'll see during the afternoon, look at the numbers as we head out to lunchtime, tee shirt weather coming back. getting close to 90 inland tomorrow. we'll talk about the big warm up in the seven day forecast coming up in a few minutes from now. coming up, he refused to give up. a bay area man now receiving one of the nation's highest honors. the push to protect mountain lions who wander our neighborhoods. that push gets a big boost.
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health care workers who are not licensed physicians may soon be allowed to perform abortions
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in california. it's one step away from the govern governor's desk. supporters say the bill will help make abortions available in rural areas with two doctors. opponents say it will create medical risk for patients. it's headed for a final vote before the assembly. today east bay assembly member nancy skinner called on congress to fix a problem in the federal school meals program. the program determines eligibility with a single nationwide income level. because of this many children in higher cost regions like here in the bay area are ineligible. skinner's urging congress to incorporate a regional cost-of-living index. >> it's really important for children to have a healthy breakfast and be able to have nutritious meals throughout the day. we see so many students who
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aren't able to focus on their lessons. and one of the number one questions teachers ask them is have you eaton today. and nine times out of ten they answer no. >> the council says they're not surprised. one of the most expensive places to live is california. a big win and a big loss. police are looking for three armed men who robbed a couple at gunpoint in their own home. the husband had won money at a casino. police received a 911 call. the woman says when she came home, three suspects armed with guns forced her into her house, confronting her husband and demanding the money. if you know anything, you're asked to call the pleasanton p.d. still here at 6:00. it's one of the biggest fires. and the destruction continues to grow. i'm scott budman.
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on wednesday, the bay bridge closes down. so what's your best bet if you have to drive from one side of the bay to the other? we'll map it out for you. and ahead to the u.s. spy on international diplomats, why the u.n. may take action after this new nsa leak.
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the flames continue. the smoke is spreading, and bay area water is in jeopardy.
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this is one of the biggest fires in california history. the rim fire is destroying an area harmer than san jose and so combined. jodi hernandez joins us now. and this is far from over. what's the plan going into tonight now? >> reporter: well, they've got a lot of folks out here working on the fire line, as you mentioned. the destruction is really overwhelming. thousands and thousands of acres of wild land are now charred and blackened, as you can see. now among the losses, a popular camp run by the city of berkley. but tonight, firefighters point out that they have been aeb to save thousands of homes. and things seem to be moving in the right direction tonight. in fact, i am told that today was a relatively good day. as the sun came up against the smoke-filled sky, firefighters from across the state geared up
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for another tough day on the fire line. >> our number one thing out there is firefighter safety, okay, and the safety of the community. >> reporter: a san francisco fire strike team got their assignment. protect homes in the tuolumnesy area, an area the rim fire has been edging towards. >> the fire is still actively burning. with this dry timber and the weather conditions,ing is still a risk. >> reporter: the 150,000 acre fire has destroyed more than 20 structure, including 11 homes. among the losses, the berkley tuolumne family camp, a camp the city of berkley has owned and operated since 1922. >> right now our focus is life and property. obviously anywhere there's structures, yosemite, our national treasure. that's where we're putting them to slow this fire. >> reporter: governor jerry brown paid a visit this morning. the rim fire is not just a
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state, but a national, priority. resources continue to pour in. and for folks whose homes are in harm's way, it's comforting. >> it means a lot to know that everyone's behind us. not just the locals, but everybody in the whole of california. it's a good feeling, you know. >> reporter: that man tells me that it looks like there's practically an engine for every house out here, and while that is not quite the case, there are certainly a lot of resources. 454 engines, 16 helicopters. 59 dozers, just to give you a sample of what's out here. but of course, all of it is very much needed. again, the rim fire is 15% contained tonight. reporting live in tuolumne county, jodi hernandez. >> you heard it. it's gone. campers mourning the loss of berkley's tuolumne family camp. you heard jodi say it's operated outside of yosemite for nine
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decades. it hosted generations of families. >> that was our cabin, swimming hole. >> reporter: pictures of a cherished time, camping among the giant redwoods just outside yosemite. >> that's cherise's cabin. >> reporter: for janis and her two children, the recent journey to tuolumne camp was the highlight of the summer. >> it's beautiful. it's like heaven on earth. there's these giant trees and shady areas, and there's a river that runs through it. >> reporter: she and her family have attended the camp for seven years, but now her pictures of green meadows, sprawling trees and the old dining hall are just mementos. this is what the camp looks like now. >> the last news we heard was that the camp was safe. they had put a big row of fire retardant. so it was sad to hear it was
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gone. >> reporter: yesterday they discovered it was burned. the camp was operated since 1922 and was a treasured escape for bay area families. >> oh, it's so sad. i get an a little upsetófe now. yeah. it's just unfortunate. >> reporter: berkley city leaders say they still haven't been able to survey the damage themselves. they say it's too soon to talk about rebuilding. >> but we are going to be working with the forest service, with the local jurisdictions, to determine what's possible. >> reporter: berkley deputy city manager william rogers said the 91 year old tent cabin, the dining hall, the wreck raex center are now among the embers. >> it's really special and all the traditions are really special. it's really devastating. >> reporter: it means for lien and countless other families. >> the activity. >> reporter: it's hard to say
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when the next memories of camp tuolumne will be made. and of course, we'll have continuing coverage of the rim fire on air and on line. we'll also have continuous updates on social media so you can follow us on face bock and twitter. all you need to do is search nbc bay area. we have breaking news. our chopper is on the peninsula. it's a slow commute along the peninsula along 280 and burlg game. a deadly accident has shut down one lane of 280. that far right lane is shut down. the other two lanes on the left are open, but it's a slow go as you go north of 92, up the peninsula toward so. this is 280 and trues dale exit. traffic is backed up up to 92. a bay area soldier received the nation's highest honor today. ty carter from antioch risked his life in afghan stand.
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at a ceremony at the white house, president obama awarded him a medal for his courageous actions. the president thanked him for his actions and service and told his children that their father's heroism is what makes our country great. >> what a true american hero looks like, then you don't have to look too far. you just have to look at your dad. because today he's the sight we come too see. >> i stand here proud that i've been chosen to represent the 50-plus soldiers and the many pilots faced with the impossible on october 3, 2009. >> the president also thanked carter and acknowledged him for seeking counseling, psychological counseling. he is the fifth living recipient to be awarded honors for actions in afghanistan.
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the u.s. government has now concluded that the syrian government did use chemical weapons against civilians killing hundreds. the u.n. investigation isn't complete, although the pentagon is preparing what could be a military response for president obama's consideration. options include using cruise missiles. secretary of state kerry called it a moral obscenity that should shock the conscience of the world and accused assad of destroying evidence. >> president obama believes there must be accountability for those who would use the world's most heinous weapons against the world's most vulnerable people. >> britain, france, and turkey have indicate thad they may join the u.s. if military action. russia warned against any attack. and house speaker boehner warned congress should being consulted before anything happens. the united nations plans to
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contact the u.s. government over allegations that the nsa bugged u.n. headquarters. the u.n. cited documents from edward snowden showing that the u.s. had successfully bugged the internal u.n. videoconferencing system as well as more than 80 embassies and consulates worldwide. u.n. officials say the surveillance is intensive, well organized and has little or nothing to do with preventing terrorism. we'll show you how to get around with the bay bridge shuts down. and how sea otters are helping the environment and not as cuddly, she didn't win any awards, but people are talking about it. how mile ey cyrus's performance helped break a record last night. and we could see temperatures climbing into the 90s and perhaps thunderstorms getting closer to near the rim fire. we'll talk about the changes ahead in your seven day forecast when we come right back.
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it's in the governor's hands now. the senate has designed a bill to protect the state's big cats. the legislation was introduced after the killing of two cats last year. it would change the waywa warde deal with the animals. wardens would also still have the ability to kill mountain lions if the public were at risk. sea otters are doing their
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work to keep pollution from hurting the estuaries. they eat crabs. now crabs eat animals that keep estuary sea grass clean from algae. sea grass is in the estuaries. it takes in carbon dioxide and protects the shorelines from big waves. so by eating the crabs, sea grass can grow successfully. well, if only it had been blurred it would have been better. a flurry of social activity after this performance. yes, that's the old hannah montana and robin thicke performing to blurred lines. 306,000 tweets per minute. people have a lot of people shaking their heads and saying what is she doing. people say it's graphic, too edgy and just a little bizarre.
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>> probably got what she wanted, a little publicity. >> i think i got more than i wanted. >> i would advise you not comment on this story. >> i would advise you not wearing that. we're going to see temperatures climbing closer to 90. look at that sunshine over the golden gate. i'll comment on that story -- but later. how about the 49ers? they make more roster moves. and a.j. griffin. he leads the majors. and can you guess what happens next? don't take my word for it. see it all in glorious high-definition. that's next from the xfinity sports desk.
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in about 48 hours, the bay bridge will close for repairs.
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it's scheduled to reopen the day after labor day, which is next tuesday. now if you're commuting or have some labor day plans, be prepared. let's bring in scott budman. should we all just stay home? >> that would be the best bet. the best thing possible is to not be in your car. but if you must drive, here's a little bit of what you're facing. >> we hit the road with gps, google maps and an old-fashioned stopwatch to try and find the best route for cross bay commuters. for purposes of comparison, the bay bridge, post morning crush took us a bit more than ten minutes to cross. we smoothly made it from san francisco to oakland. but starting on wednesday, that won't be an option. so if you need to drive from one side of the bay to the other, what's your best bet? here's what we found. after mapping out the bay and talking to local shuttle
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drivers. if you're going to the east bay to san francisco and have to drive, it seems the southern route, though a bit longer, is going to be faster. head south on 880, all the way to 92, then take the san mateo bridge. you'll see a view of san francisco here too, it's just further away. from there, take 101 north, and you'll be in the city. it will take a while, though. took us 47 minutes. again, with only moderate traffic. your best bet, probably public transit, like bart or the ferry. give yourself plenty of time, though. other people will be lining up to get around too. >> i mentioned the local shuttle drovers, because they'll be busy when the bridge closes down. they say it is longer to go that southern route but faster. >> all right, keep us posted. we have a full guide on how to get around all of this craziness
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this weekend on our be with site. it includes alternative routes, and you can sign up for alerts about the bridge possibly reopening as scheduled on tuesday morning. let's turn things over to rob for when you stay home and do not go across the bridge. >> it's going to be nice. temperatures were a little bit on the cool side. if you're hoping for summertime heat, i think you're going to like the forecast. mid-80s, out toward morgan hill. 77 in downtown san jose. compared to 24 hours ago, inland spots warming up. we're going to add 5 to 7 degrees warming for tomorrow. so we'll get closer to 90 degrees. 79 in livermore, and that's pretty cool for this time of day. 64 in san francisco. and you can see the sea breeze bringing in higher humidity
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levels, good news relatively speaking around the inner bay. we're watching conditions around the rim fire, moisture that's coming up out of the south from southern california is not going to impact the bay area, but it could begin to impact the see area tomorrow, so from yosemite south, flash flood watches. notice to the pacific northwest we've got rain. so two moisture plumes, one in southern california, the other pacific northwest. we will see warming aloft, high pressure trying to number in over central california during the day tomorrow. this will allow for a few degrees of warming. it's going to take the marine layer and kind of squish it down. as the moisture comes up over the sierra, we will see a chance of thundershowers and maybe moving up towards lake tahoe on wednesday. and as onshore winds increase
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that should take the moisture away from the sierra and push it off into the central nevada. tomorrow we'll see patchy clouds. and as you send the kids off to school you'll see temperatures quickly changes. down into the low 90s tomorrow around morgan hill and gilroy. mid to upper 80s and for the north bay you'll see numbers in the low to mid-80s. mid-70s in oakland. so as we go through the rest of the workweek, not much change, a little bump up in temperatures as we head to the weekend. have no fear, summer officially continues all the way through september 22nd. so there is still time for more summer-like heat to come back in the forecast. but for now, you'll notice that heat's going to stick around through friday.
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first day of school for a lot of kids and a good day back. let's get to sports. >> he's laughing already. >> what's so funny? >> you'll see. you'll see. now i'm blowing it. >> wait for it. >> give me three minutes right now. and at the end of it something good's going to happen. >> promises, promises. >> the giants haven't hit at at&t park. tonight, though, they're on the road. and guess where they are? they're averaging over four runs away. get it started right here, baby. let's get it going and see what happens -- and no. bottom of the first, barry zito. michael cadire hits a ball in the air. look at hunter penn take a face full of wall right here for you giants fans.
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couldn't hold onto the ball. he's in pain, but he stays in the game. 3-0. a's now, they're starting a four game series in the motor city. bottom of the fifth, anythingy, miguel, homer, right field, his 43rd home run of the season. game tied at four. game is tied at four. two on, no one out, barton, a single. is that the second hit of the game? nate scores 5-4 a's, right now 7-4. the a's have the lead. more a's news. they place reddick on the dl. oakland also designated hitter pat knee shack. they recall scribner from sacramento. one of five players released,
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never played in a regular season game. 49ers must trim five more roster spots to get to 75 on tuesday. this is spartans. they can play with anybody. san jose state finished 11-2 which include add narrow three point loss to stanford to start the year this thursday. stingers up, kicking off a season where first year head coach rod kerr ger says anything is possible. >> i'm a believer, anybody can beat anyone any weekend. you have to bring your a game anytime you set foot on the field. and part of our spar tap way in the football program here is whenever we set foot on the field, whether it's spartan stadium or a practice field, we give great effort. there's no c or b effort. we're always giving great effort. and that's a mentality that we have. and we're playing hard for four quarters.
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and you never want to let up. this game is too physical, too demanding to ever not give it your all. >> so tennis, u.s. open, williams unseated. this is venus's third event since losing in the first round of the french open and her first win in months. sirena williams also playing and winning today. to soccer, barclay's premier league. a clever shot at the edge of the box. and it's, that should be a penalty. it's not called. terrible non-call. lane rooney, way outside, fires one. what a save. and chelsea remains atop the table. flt and if you think draws in soccer are boring, try playing
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in line. in paraguay, a tackle gets tackled, and a defender which results in several red cards. how about this -- boom! that's a kick to the face. oh, my goodness. i cannot believe it. that really had to hurt. now honestly, guys. can you imagine being at work and getting kicked in the face repeatedly? repeatedly? while you're trying to do your job? could you? >> that was the payoff three minutes later? >> yeah. >> was that henry kicking you? >> this is who it is. production assistant sonya with her tv debut. >> sonya, kick him more, and on the backside. >> on the backside. >> we expect to season yeah doing the sports at 11:00. >> i think so. i'm being called in right now by management. for a full half hour of sports you can watch sports net
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tonight at 11:00, an international extortion scam with ties to the bay area. why people are being warned to keep their guard up. one final look from rob. >> we're going to see a bit of a warmup the next couple days. for the valleys, closer to 90 inlantd. not much change for the end of the workweek. getting into the weekend, turning cooler again. can't get those 90s to stick around for a weekend. >> grad you didn't bring your shoe in.
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[captioning made possible by warner bros. domestic television distribution] >> now on "extra" -- backlash over miley's outrageous v.m.a. shock show. her lewd, half nude twerk fest with robin thicke. the stars ripping her to shreds. >> i was hannah montana's mother, i don't approve. >> "extra" all over mtv's mega-party in brooklyn with special correspondent, snooki. >> let's do this, a.j. >> i'm happy to see you with an mic in your hands. >> justin's showstopping 'n sync reunion. ♪ bye bye bye >> where we caught j.t. and jessica sneaking off after the show. plus, the v.m.a. fashion hits and misses. >> it's a pain to get in but it was worth it. >> then, khloe kardashian's marriage in crisis. did she kick lamar out over drugs?


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